Vicky _ Top Luxury Brand CRM Data Analyst “ Execution is the most power weapon ever. The good seaman is known in bad weather.”

Vicky _ Top Luxury Brand CRM Data Analyst “ Execution is the most power weapon ever. The good seaman is known in bad weather.”

The seventh BFAevent.en was held in Taipei, on January 13th. Vicky was the After Speaker. She gave a brief self-introduction about how she became the data analyst in Louis Vuitton and shared the challenges she faced. Before going to Louis Vuitton, Vicky has been an English tutor for six years and helps more than 100 students to find their dream jobs or study abroad. Now Vicky creates her personal brand “Iron V” and becomes a medium writer. The topics focus on data and English learning, career choices, and personal growth relevant contents.

Chef _ Elitegroup (ECS) Project Manager “ Always love the world and care for those in need.”

Chef _ Elitegroup (ECS) Project Manager “ Always love the world and care for those in need.”

The seventh BFAevent.en was held in Taipei, on January 13th. Chef is the project manager in Elitegroup Computer Systems Co., Ltd. now. He was invited as the before speaker. First, he pointed out why he chose ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as the main target for his business. Then, He introduced the job of business development in a metaphoric way. In the end, he shared many quotes from his idols that supported him when he was depressed. The last message that Chef wanted to convey in this speech was to always love the world and care for those in need.

Wesley _ Alpha Bridge Agency Consultant and Chief Trainer “ Knowing yourself better and cultivating your curiosity are the keys to finding the meanings of your life.

Wesley _ Alpha Bridge Agency Consultant and Chief Trainer “ Knowing yourself better and cultivating your curiosity are the keys to finding the meanings of your life.

On November 28th, the sixth BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Wesley, Alpha Bridge Agency Consultant and Chief Trainer, presented as the Pro Speaker. Wesley is also a top business English lecturer, TESOL certified teacher, best-selling author and bilingual host. As the pro speaker of BFAevent.en, he shared with the attendants 2 secrets to living a successful life.

Vicky _ Top Luxury Brand CRM Data Analyst “ Even if something doesn’t make sense at the moment, don’t stop and don’t give up.

Vicky _ Top Luxury Brand CRM Data Analyst “ Even if something doesn’t make sense at the moment, don’t stop and don’t give up.

On November 28th, the sixth BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Vicky presented as the Before Speaker. Vicky is currently working as a Data Analyst at Louis Vuitton for the past two and a half years. Her job as a data analyst requires her to lead project performance measurement through in-depth data analysis as well as organize onsite and international fashion events for privilege clients. She has also been working as an English tutor for a total of 6 years. Focusing on training and speaking in a business environment, she has tutored a total of 100 students and helped over 60 of them land the job of their dreams at foreign companies. Vicky is also a writer and has a blog entitled Iron V. She often writes articles about career choices, data analysis, English learning, personal growth, etc.









家樂福企業社會責任暨溝通總監、財團法人家樂福文教基金會執行長 蘇小真: 當我們真心相信一件事情時,就有可能改變世界

家樂福企業社會責任暨溝通總監、財團法人家樂福文教基金會執行長 蘇小真: 當我們真心相信一件事情時,就有可能改變世界

12 月 19 日,簡報小聚聖誕特別場「喜怒哀驚懼」邀請到「家樂福企業社會責任暨溝通總監、財團法人家樂福文教基金會執行長 蘇小真」擔任 Pro Speaker。小真以「喜」為主題,分享推動食物轉型的歷程,與從中獲得的喜悅。

消防員、作家、演說家 蔡宗翰:每一場重要的簡報,都是一次天擇

消防員、作家、演說家 蔡宗翰:每一場重要的簡報,都是一次天擇

12 月 19 日,簡報小聚聖誕特別場「喜怒哀驚懼」邀請到「消防員、作家、演說家 蔡宗翰」擔任 Pro Speaker。江湖人稱「打火哥」的宗翰,在當晚的分享,以「懼」為主題,述說自己在 2014 年的高雄氣爆後,所完成的一場指摽性簡報。

Keynote不求人 魯蓓蓓:簡報不是動畫的軍備大賽

Keynote不求人 魯蓓蓓:簡報不是動畫的軍備大賽

12 月 19 日,簡報小聚聖誕特別場「喜怒哀驚懼」邀請到「艾爾塔科技股份有限公司產品企劃 魯蓓蓓」擔任 After Speaker,分享。蓓蓓以「驚」的主題貫穿這次的分享,提到當動畫能為簡報的溝通成本降到最低,才能彰顯出簡報內容的價值。

天下雜誌數位企劃主任 杜雨潔:舒適圈是靠自己走出來的!如果有陣痛期,就讓他痛吧!

天下雜誌數位企劃主任 杜雨潔:舒適圈是靠自己走出來的!如果有陣痛期,就讓他痛吧!

12 月 19 日,簡報小聚聖誕特別場「喜怒哀驚懼」邀請到「天下雜誌數位企劃主任 杜雨潔」擔任 Before Speaker。雨潔當晚代表的主題為「哀」,內容描述自己從實體行銷轉換到數位行銷的練功方法,特別分享給年末想要轉職、正要報到新工作或者即將要踏入全新領域的職場工作者。



是否看過一種類型的簡報,很像在讀一份 word 文件。其實,簡報的文字多寡不是影響閱讀的直接因素,而是有沒有將重點的內容提煉出來。




