理解心理學的「切塊」概念,以應對資訊量超載的簡報。本文的兩個目的:(1) 傳遞強而有效的資訊 (2) 考慮聽眾的承受力
Goldman Sans:一套線條乾淨、充滿現代感的商用免費字型
It is not an “all you can say” buffet… (part 1)
Model.foto 日本免費模特圖庫,高解析照片下載
A New Perspective on PPTs
With Great PowerPoints Comes Great Responsibility
3 Ways to Achieve Slide Symmetry
Easy Fixes for Text-on-Image Conflicts
Have you ever had problems placing text on top of photos? The colors either clash on certain letters, or the placement is just off? You may not care so much, but in the pursuit of PowerPoint perfection, minute details sometimes matter. To that end, we will cover how to use transparency, shadows and/or photo selection to solve this issue.